Friday, March 09, 2007


Those who posted indignant comments because I'd helped drive a couple of Ferraris up through Central America last October might enjoy being annoyed all over again if they look at a very flashy magazine just on sale "exclusively at W.H. Smiths", the Spring/Summer issue of Lifestyles. Same trip - so I haven't doubled my carbon footprint sins - but a different article, this time in diary form. Lavish pix, too. In real life I'm still driving a very likeable Peugeot 207.

Meanwhile the last couple of days have been taken up with going through the copy-edited version of the manuscript for Hand Me My Travelin' Shoes. This is nitpicky work indeed, and has to be finished this afternoon. Then I must sort stuff out for travelin' to Minnesota for the Bob Dylan Symposium at the university in Minneapolis, March 23-27. Trains from North Yorkshire to Gatwick, overnight stop, plane courtesy of horrible NorthWest Airlines - and the day after arriving, there's a special bus trip up to Hibbing. It'll be my third visit. That's quite a few visits, really, from one North Country to another.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:10 pm


    Good to hear the McTell book is on its way. Looking forward to it.

    By the way, make sure you pick up the deluxe edition DVD of 'Don't Look Back' when you're in the States. I got mine in the post this morning and it looks good.
