Friday, June 15, 2007


. . . today is a double anniversary for me. Eight years ago today, I finished the manuscript of Song & Dance Man III, and one year ago today, The Bob Dylan Encyclopedia was published.


  1. Anonymous1:17 pm

    Congratulations. I've just recently discovered your work and I really enjoy it. It kind of reminds me a bit of the stuff Mark Lewisohn's done/doing on The Beatles - not the content, which is quite different, but something about the rigour in the work and the research. The love of the art also shines through. Anyway, I look forward to more books from you in the future.

  2. Anonymous10:14 am

    Talking of happier notes, how about a mention of the long overdue re-release of the Travelling Willburys recordings. Surely the best "Supergroup" ever.

  3. Dear Billy
    Thank you so much for taking the trouble to write and say that. It's appreciated. (As for new books, on July 2nd Bloomsbury publishes the UK hardback - the first edition - of my book HAND ME MY TRAVELIN' SHOES: In Search of Blind Willie McTell, which is not merely his biography but also the story of getting the story, researching through rural Georgia and in Atlanta, and seeing McTell as a fascinating man who lived through strange and interesting times.)

    Dear McHenry
    Yes, the re-release of the Traveling Wilburys... about the time the doorknob broke.

  4. Anonymous9:35 pm

    Was that some kind of joke?
