Sunday, December 18, 2011

happy christmas

& new year TO ALL


  1. Kieran2:05 pm

    Thank you, Michael, and the same to you!

    I enjoy the blog and look forward to more in 2012...

  2. There's a review of Dylan's Christmas In The Heart at

  3. hi michael

    I,ve just watched part of "Down the Tracks" with your good self, on Sky Arts. very interesting programme
    but very thin on identifying all the contributors.

    Do you know who was the older singer seated in front of a grand piano?
    And who were the younger trio....guy with a beard?

  4. Hi Joe
    Please can someone else answer this? Because although the Sky Arts showing was recent, the programme was made for an independent production company I think about five years ago, and while I know I was shown it when it first came out, I've never seen it since, and remember virtually nothing about it.

  5. hi Michael
    I rewatched the prog and I was referring to Tom Paley and The Handsome family, other contributors included Joe Boyd and Paul Swinton.

    One of the most interesting scenes, I found, was an archive piece of dialogue played out on camera between Leadbelly and John Lomax, reflecting on Leadbelly's CV. With a wince making piece of paternalism from Lomax , and a Stepnfetchit
    performance from Leadbelly.

    Notwithstanding Lomax's pioneering work, I can only fantasize that had the encounter moved on 30 years
    Leadbelly would have been wearing a Black Panther's beret.
